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26 results for transfer

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Items 1-26 of 26
Description: Trademark, Numeral, Marker and Second Bit glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others for price breaks. Trademark image sizes varies from 3/32" to 1/2" tall.
Item #: 19548
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Gold borders and stripes glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass by a pressure transfer method. Images are 1/4" wide and up to 11-7/8" long.
Item #: 19229
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Gold borders and stripes glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass by a pressure transfer method. Images are 11/16" wide and up to 11-7/8" long.
Item #: 19230
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Gold regulator glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with other Regulator transfers for price breaks. Lettering is 1-1/16" tall. The image is 7-3/8" long.
Item #: 19220
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Trademark, Numeral, Marker and Second Bit glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others for price breaks. Roman numerals are 1-1/4" to 1-1/2" tall.
Item #: 12332
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Black Trademark, Numeral, Marker and Second Bit glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others for price breaks....More Details »
Item #: 19526
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Black Trademark, Numeral, Marker and Second Bit glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others for price breaks....More Details »
Item #: 19527
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Black Trademark, Numeral, Marker and Second Bit glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others for price breaks....More Details »
Item #: 19528
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Black Trademark, Numeral, Marker and Second Bit glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others for price breaks....More Details »
Item #: 19530
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Black Trademark, Numeral, Marker and Second Bit glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others for price breaks....More Details »
Item #: 19531
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Trademark, Numeral, Marker and Second Bit glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others for price breaks. Seth...More Details »
Item #: 19547
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Gold Seth Thomas cottage clock, spandrel, pendulum opening and throat glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others...More Details »
Item #: 19212
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Black Trademark, Numeral, Marker and Second Bit glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others for price breaks....More Details »
Item #: 19529
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Gold regulator glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with other Regulator transfers for price breaks. The first image has 3/4"...More Details »
Item #: 19225
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Gold rRegulator glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with other Regulator transfers for price breaks. The first image has...More Details »
Item #: 19226
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Gold regulator glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with other Regulator transfers for price breaks. The first image has 5/8"...More Details »
Item #: 19223
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Black Trademark, Numeral, Marker and Second Bit glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others for price breaks. Arabic numerals are 1/2" to 5/8" tall
Item #: 12330
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Black Trademark, Numeral, Marker and Second Bit glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others for price breaks. Roman numerals are 11/16" to 3/4" tall.
Item #: 12331
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Black Trademark, Numeral, Marker and Second Bit glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others for price breaks. Arabic numerals are 3/8" to 5/8" tall
Item #: 12335
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Black Trademark, Numeral, Marker and Second Bit glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others for price breaks. Roman numerals are 1-1/16" to 1-9/16" tall.
Item #: 19525
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Black Trademark, Numeral, Marker and Second Bit glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others for price breaks....More Details »
Item #: 19532
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Gold Seth Thomas cottage clock, spandrel, pendulum opening and throat glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others...More Details »
Item #: 19216
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Gold kitchen clock glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass by a pressure transfer method. The height is the measurement from the bottom of the dial pan to the bottom of the...More Details »
Item #: 19205
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Gold Seth Thomas cottage clock, spandrel, pendulum opening and throat glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others...More Details »
Item #: 19214
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Black Trademark, Numeral, Marker and Second Bit glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others for price breaks. Seth...More Details »
Item #: 19533
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: 10” x 12”. Green, pink & gold on a black background. Special buy. Regularly $7.00/each. While supplies last. NOTE: This is a decal....NOT a transfer.
Item #: 33378
Condition: New
Price: $2.50

Items 1-26 of 26

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