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163 results for suspension spring

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Items 121-163 of 163
Description: German made. For Kundo electronic clocks 16.0mm / 17.0mm (length x width) 9.0mm / 0.04mm (hole-to-hole length & spring thickness). No Pin.
Item #: 12070
Condition: New
Price: $23.00
as low as: $22.50
3 or more

Description: German made. .07 thick , 25.5mm /12.5mm (length x width) 15.5mm / 0.07mm (hole-to-pin length & spring thickness) Hermle #21-248A.
Item #: 11611
Condition: New
Price: $7.00
as low as: $6.75
3 or more

Description: German made. .0035" thick (.09mm) 25.5mm/12.25mm (length x width) 15.5mm / 0.10mm (hole-to-pin length & spring thickness). Hermle 21-248C (Used on 75cm Or Longer Pendulums).
Item #: 11612
Condition: New
Price: $7.00
as low as: $6.75
3 or more

Description: 10 pieces of the most popular German-made suspension springs for French and Mantel clocks.
Item #: 19722
Condition: New
Price: $49.50

Description: 12 piece assortment of the most Popular Sizes .05mm, .058mm, .058mm, .063mm, .075mm, .080mm, .080mm, .090mm, .090mm, .095mm, .110mm and .110mm
Item #: 29902
Condition: New
Price: $32.50

Description: 11.1mm wide x 45.0mm long with 0.15mm spring thickness.
Item #: 32912
Condition: New
Price: $4.00

Description: 12 piece assortment of Horolovar temperature compensating springs. The Popular assortment has one of each thickness listed. Each spring is 5-3/8" long: .0020, .0023, .0023, .0025, .0030, .0032,...More Details »
Item #: 10425
Condition: New
Price: $26.50
as low as: $26.00
2 or more

Description: 12 piece assortment of Horolovar temperature compensating springs. The Intermediate assortment has one of each thickness listed. Each spring is 5-3/8" long: .0018, .0019, .0021, .0022, .0024,...More Details »
Item #: 10426
Condition: New
Price: $26.50
as low as: $26.00
2 or more

Description: Set of 5. 4 pieces are .0625" wide and 1 piece is .125" wide. .004" thick. 1" length.
Item #: 23409
Condition: New
Price: $6.00

Description: Set of 5. 4 pieces are .0625" wide and 1 piece is .125" wide. .007" thick. 1" length.
Item #: 23410
Condition: New
Price: $6.00

Description: 3-piece pack of temperature compensating springs from Horolovar (USA). .0040" thick (.102mm) x 7-3/16" long.
Item #: 34188
Condition: New
Price: $6.00
as low as: $5.75
3 or more

Description: 3 piece pack of temperature compensating springs from Horolovar (USA). .0040" thick (.102mm) x 5-3/8" long.
Item #: 10491
Condition: New
Price: $6.00
as low as: $5.75
3 or more

Description: Set of 5 pieces, 1 fork, 2 top blocks & 2 bottom blocks for 400 day suspension units. India. (suspension spring not included)
Item #: 30989
Condition: New
Price: $11.50

Description: 25-1/2" long overall with steel rod, brass keystone & rating assembly with nut. Includes suspension spring. Uses #23142 Willard bob, not included.
Item #: 22816
Condition: New
Price: $28.50

Description: The centimeter designation is the distance from the back plate to the suspension spring pinhole. 32.0mm wheel diameter x 35.8mm arbor length. Regularly $15.00. While supplies last.
Item #: 01629
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: The centimeter designation is the distance from the back plate to the suspension spring pinhole. 32.0mm wheel diameter x 35.8mm arbor length. Regularly $15.00. While supplies last.
Item #: 01630
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: The centimeter designation is the distance from the back plate to the suspension spring pinhole. 31.6mm wheel diameter x 35.8mm arbor length. Regularly $15.00. While supplies last.
Item #: 01631
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: The centimeter designation is the distance from the back plate to the suspension spring pinhole. 31.6mm wheel diameter x 35.8mm arbor length. Regularly $15.00. While supplies last.
Item #: 01632
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: The centimeter designation is the distance from the back plate to the suspension spring pinhole. 31.6mm wheel diameter x 35.8mm arbor length. Regularly $15.00. While supplies last.
Item #: 01633
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: The centimeter designation is the distance from the back plate to the suspension spring pinhole. 31.6mm wheel diameter x 35.8mm arbor length. Regularly $15.00. While supplies last.
Item #: 01634
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: The centimeter designation is the distance from the back plate to the suspension spring pinhole. 31.5mm wheel diameter x 35.8mm arbor length. Regularly $15.00. While supplies last.
Item #: 01635
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: The centimeter designation is the distance from the back plate to the suspension spring pinhole. 31.5mm wheel diameter x 35.8mm arbor length. Regularly $15.00. While supplies last.
Item #: 01636
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: The centimeter designation is the distance from the back plate to the suspension spring pinhole. 31.5mm wheel diameter x 35.8mm arbor length. Regularly $15.00. While supplies last.
Item #: 01637
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: The centimeter designation is the distance from the back plate to the suspension spring pinhole. 31.5mm wheel diameter x 35.8mm arbor length. Regularly $15.00. While supplies last.
Item #: 01639
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: The centimeter designation is the distance from the back plate to the suspension spring pinhole. 31.3mm wheel diameter x 35.8mm arbor length. Regularly $15.00. While supplies last.
Item #: 01640
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: The centimeter designation is the distance from the back plate to the suspension spring pinhole. 31.3mm wheel diameter x 35.8mm arbor length. Regularly $15.00. While supplies last.
Item #: 01641
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: The centimeter designation is the distance from the back plate to the suspension spring pinhole. 31.3mm wheel diameter x 35.8mm arbor length. Regularly $15.00. While supplies last.
Item #: 01642
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: The centimeter designation is the distance from the back plate to the suspension spring pinhole. 31.0mm wheel diameter x 35.8mm arbor length. Regularly $15.00. While supplies last.
Item #: 01643
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: The centimeter designation is the distance from the back plate to the suspension spring pinhole. 31.0mm wheel diameter x 35.8mm arbor length. Regularly $15.00. While supplies last.
Item #: 01644
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: The centimeter designation is the distance from the back plate to the suspension spring pinhole. 30.8mm wheel diameter x 35.8mm arbor length. Regularly $15.00. While supplies last.
Item #: 01645
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: The centimeter designation is the distance from the back plate to the suspension spring pinhole. 31.3mm wheel diameter x 35.8mm arbor length. Regularly $15.00. While supplies last.
Item #: 01646
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: The centimeter designation is the distance from the back plate to the suspension spring pinhole. 31.0mm wheel diameter x 35.8mm arbor length. Regularly $15.00. While supplies last.
Item #: 01647
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: Can be used on early American and English grandfather clocks. 33" long threaded steel rod, brass rating assembly, suspension spring and a 4-1/2" diameter cast iron bob. 2-1/2 pounds. Ships in 2 cartons.
Item #: 10253
Condition: New
Price: $47.50

Description: 15-1/2" overall length suspension rod assembly for S. Thomas #89 movement. Spring is 1-3/8" long.
Item #: 17826
Condition: New
Price: $9.00

Description: Made in Germany by Haller-Jauch. Blocks and forks in place on a temperature compensating spring. For Hermle Model #967. Hermle suspension unit #21-229B.
Item #: 19745
Condition: New
Price: $22.00

Description: Made in Germany by Haller-Jauch. Blocks and forks in place on a temperature compensating spring. For Hermle Model #987. Hermle suspension unit #21-250.
Item #: 19747
Condition: New
Price: $22.00

Description: Made in Germany by Haller-Jauch. Blocks and forks in place on a temperature compensating spring. For Hermle Model #977/1. Hermle suspension unit #21-251.
Item #: 19748
Condition: New
Price: $22.00

Description: Made in Germany by Haller-Jauch. Blocks and forks in place on a temperature compensating spring. For Hermle Model #977/2 Leichtem. Hermle suspension unit #21-269.
Item #: 19749
Condition: New
Price: $22.00

Description: Made in Germany by Haller-Jauch. Blocks and forks in place on a temperature compensating spring. For Hermle Model #2300-005. Hermle suspension unit #21-270/20.6.
Item #: 19751
Condition: New
Price: $22.00

Description: Made in Germany by Haller-Jauch. Blocks and forks in place on a temperature compensating spring. For Hermle Model#2300-005 Normalem. Hermle suspension unit#21-283/.035.
Item #: 19752
Condition: New
Price: $22.00

Description: Made in Germany by Haller-Jauch. Blocks and forks in place on a temperature compensating spring. For Hermle Model #2300-003 Schwerem. Hermle suspension unit #21-283/.050.
Item #: 19753
Condition: New
Price: $22.00

Description: Made in Germany by Haller-Jauch. Blocks and forks in place on a temperature compensating spring. For Hermle Model #977/2 miniature Leichtem. Hermle suspension unit #21-270/18.7. Pin to pin length is 2 9/16".
Item #: 19750
Condition: New
Price: $22.00

Description: Made in Germany by Haller-Jauch. Blocks and forks in place on a temperature compensating spring. For Hermle Model #977. Hermle suspension unit #21-237. 8MM FROM TOP BLOCK TO FORK 78MM FROM BOTTOM BLOCK TO FORK THERE IS A PIN IN EACH BLOCK
Item #: 19746
Condition: New
Price: $22.00

Items 121-163 of 163

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