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556 results for Key

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Items 61-120 of 556
Description: American made double end brass key with brass plated steel wing. 3.4mm/1.6mm.
Item #: 10088
Condition: New
Price: $3.50
as low as: $3.25
12 or more

Description: American made double end brass key with brass plated steel wing. 3.8mm/1.6mm.
Item #: 10090
Condition: New
Price: $3.50
as low as: $3.25
12 or more

Description: American made double end brass key with brass plated steel wing. 4.0mm/1.6mm.
Item #: 10091
Condition: New
Price: $3.50
as low as: $3.25
12 or more

Description: 1-7/32” wide x 1-17/32” tall. 19/32” long key hole. 2-.090” diameter mounting holes.Used on many Hermle clocks & curio cabinets. Regularly $6.00. While supplies last.
Item #: 90028
Condition: New
Price: $3.00

Description: Brass single wing trademark key.
Item #: 10175
Condition: New
Price: $4.25
as low as: $4.00
3 or more

Description: Brass single wing trademark key.
Item #: 10176
Condition: New
Price: $4.25
as low as: $4.00
3 or more

Description: Brass single wing trademark key.
Item #: 10177
Condition: New
Price: $4.25
as low as: $4.00
3 or more

Description: Brass single wing trademark key.
Item #: 10178
Condition: New
Price: $4.25
as low as: $4.00
3 or more

Description: Brass single wing trademark key.
Item #: 10186
Condition: New
Price: $4.25
as low as: $4.00
3 or more

Description: Brass single wing trademark key.
Item #: 15500
Condition: New
Price: $4.25
as low as: $4.00
12 or more

Description: Brass single wing trademark key.
Item #: 19561
Condition: New
Price: $4.25
as low as: $4.00
3 or more

Description: Brass single wing trademark key.
Item #: 20412
Condition: New
Price: $4.25
as low as: $4.00
3 or more

Description: Brass single end trademark key.
Item #: 22935
Condition: New
Price: $4.00
as low as: $3.75
12 or more

Description: Extra large #6 (3.75mm Swiss Size) brass wing key. Perfect for the disabled or elderly.
Item #: 32330
Condition: New
Price: $3.50
as low as: $3.25
12 or more

Description: Extra large #7 (4.00mm Swiss Size)brass wing key. Perfect for the disabled or elderly.
Item #: 32331
Condition: New
Price: $3.50
as low as: $3.25
12 or more

Description: Extra large #9 (4.50mm Swiss Size)brass wing key. Perfect for the disabled or elderly.
Item #: 32333
Condition: New
Price: $3.50
as low as: $3.25
12 or more

Description: Extra large #10 (4.75mm Swiss Size)brass wing key. Perfect for the disabled or elderly.
Item #: 32334
Condition: New
Price: $3.50
as low as: $3.25
12 or more

Description: Extra large #11 (5.00mm Swiss Size)brass wing key. Perfect for the disabled or elderly.
Item #: 32335
Condition: New
Price: $3.50
as low as: $3.25
12 or more

Description: Extra large #12 (5.25mm Swiss Size)brass wing key. Perfect for the disabled or elderly.
Item #: 32336
Condition: New
Price: $3.50
as low as: $3.25
12 or more

Description: Extra large #14 (5.75mm Swiss Size)brass wing key. Perfect for the disabled or elderly.
Item #: 32338
Condition: New
Price: $3.50
as low as: $3.25
12 or more

Description: Extra large #15 (6.00mm Swiss Size)brass wing key. Perfect for the disabled or elderly.
Item #: 32339
Condition: New
Price: $3.50
as low as: $3.25
12 or more

Description: Extra large #16 (6.25mm Swiss Size)brass wing key. Perfect for the disabled or elderly.
Item #: 32340
Condition: New
Price: $3.50
as low as: $3.25
12 or more

Description: Extra large #8 (4.25mm Swiss Size)brass wing key. Perfect for the disabled or elderly.
Item #: 32332
Condition: New
Price: $3.50
as low as: $3.25
12 or more

Description: Large key for many current production German movements & others. #8 (4.25mm). Brass plated nickeled. China
Item #: 32549
Condition: New
Price: $3.50

Description: #1 (2.50mm) Nickel plated brass key. Made in India. Regularly $2.25/each. While supplies last.
Item #: 322771
Condition: New
Price: $1.13

Description: American made double end key. 3.6mm/1.8mm. NOTE: Trademark key currently out of stock. Same key without a trademark available as Part #10099.
Item #: 10198
Condition: New
Price: $4.75
as low as: $4.50
12 or more

Description: #1 (2.50mm) nickel plated steel key made in India. Combine with other sizes for price break.
Item #: 29564
Condition: New
Price: $4.00
as low as: $3.75
3 or more

Description: #10 4.75mm nickel plated steel key made in India. Combine with other sizes for price break.
Item #: 29695
Condition: New
Price: $4.00
as low as: $3.75
3 or more

Description: #11(5.00mm)nickel plated steel key made in India. Combine with other sizes for price break.
Item #: 29696
Condition: New
Price: $4.00
as low as: $3.75
3 or more

Description: #12 (5.25mm)nickel plated steel key made in India. Combine with other sizes for price break.
Item #: 31055
Condition: New
Price: $4.00
as low as: $3.75
3 or more

Description: #13 (5.50mm)nickel plated steel key made in India. Combine with other sizes for price break.
Item #: 31056
Condition: New
Price: $4.00
as low as: $3.75
3 or more

Description: #14 (5.75mm)nickel plated steel key made in India. Combine with other sizes for price break.
Item #: 31057
Condition: New
Price: $4.00
as low as: $3.75
3 or more

Description: #15 (6.00mm)nickel plated steel key made in India. Combine with other sizes for price break.
Item #: 31058
Condition: New
Price: $4.00
as low as: $3.75
3 or more

Description: #17 (6.50mm)nickel plated steel key made in India. Combine with other sizes for price break.
Item #: 31060
Condition: New
Price: $4.00
as low as: $3.75
3 or more

Description: #3 (3.00mm) nickel plated steel key made in India. Combine with other sizes for price break.
Item #: 29566
Condition: New
Price: $4.00
as low as: $3.75
3 or more

Description: #4 (3.25mm) nickel plated steel key made in India. Combine with other sizes for price break.
Item #: 29567
Condition: New
Price: $4.00
as low as: $3.75
3 or more

Description: #5 (3.50mm)nickel plated steel key made in India. Combine with other sizes for price break.
Item #: 29568
Condition: New
Price: $4.00
as low as: $3.75
3 or more

Description: #6 (3.75mm) nickel plated steel key made in India. Combine with other sizes for price break.
Item #: 29569
Condition: New
Price: $4.00
as low as: $3.75
3 or more

Description: #7 (4.00mm) nickel plated steel key made in India. Combine with other sizes for price break.
Item #: 29570
Condition: New
Price: $4.00
as low as: $3.75
3 or more

Description: #8 (4.25mm)nickel plated steel key made in India. Combine with other sizes for price break.
Item #: 29571
Condition: New
Price: $4.00
as low as: $3.75
3 or more

Description: #9 4.50mm nickel plated steel key made in India. Combine with other sizes for price break.
Item #: 29694
Condition: New
Price: $4.00
as low as: $3.75
3 or more

Description: #1 (2.50mm) brass key made in India. Swiss size. Combine with other sizes for price breaks.
Item #: 29579
Condition: New
Price: $2.25
as low as: $2.00
3 or more

Description: #6 (3.75mm) brass key made in India. Swiss size. Combine with other sizes for price breaks.
Item #: 29584
Condition: New
Price: $2.25
as low as: $2.00
3 or more

Description: Brass lock & key. With 2-3/16 “ tall front plate, strike plate, keyhole escutcheon, and mounting screws. Overall depth is 1-1/2”. 17/32” thick x 1-13/64” wide. ⚠️ WARNING: This...More Details »
Item #: 34228
Condition: New
Price: $17.50

Description: Economical nickel plated steel key. Made in India.
Item #: 19250
Condition: New
Price: $2.50
as low as: $2.25
3 or more

Description: Economical nickel plated steel key. Made in India.
Item #: 19251
Condition: New
Price: $2.50
as low as: $2.25
3 or more

Description: Economical nickel plated steel key. Made in India.
Item #: 19252
Condition: New
Price: $2.50
as low as: $2.25
3 or more

Description: Economical nickel plated steel key. Made in India.
Item #: 19253
Condition: New
Price: $2.50
as low as: $2.25
3 or more

Description: Economical nickel plated steel key. Made in India.
Item #: 19254
Condition: New
Price: $2.50
as low as: $2.25
3 or more

Description: Economical nickel plated steel key. Made in India.
Item #: 29501
Condition: New
Price: $2.50
as low as: $2.25
3 or more

Description: Economical nickel plated steel key. Made in India.
Item #: 29505
Condition: New
Price: $2.75
as low as: $2.50
3 or more

Description: Economical nickel plated steel key. Made in India.
Item #: 29506
Condition: New
Price: $2.75
as low as: $2.50
3 or more

Description: Economical nickel plated steel key. Made in India.
Item #: 29502
Condition: New
Price: $2.50
as low as: $2.25
3 or more

Description: Economical nickel plated steel key. Made in India.
Item #: 23792
Condition: New
Price: $2.50
as low as: $2.25
3 or more

Description: Economical commercial grade brass double end key. Imported. 3.8mm/2.4mm.
Item #: 17844
Condition: New
Price: $2.50
as low as: $2.25
12 or more

Description: Inventory find. Winding key for Westclox clock. While supplies last.
Item #: 36194
Condition: New
Price: $9.50

Description: Nickel plated steel double end key. Made in India. 3.25mm/1.75mm.
Item #: 19591
Condition: New
Price: $2.50
as low as: $2.25
12 or more

Description: Nickel plated steel double end key. Made in India. 3.50mm/1.75mm.
Item #: 19592
Condition: New
Price: $2.50
as low as: $2.25
12 or more

Description: Nickel plated steel double end key. Made in India. 3.75mm/1.75mm.
Item #: 19593
Condition: New
Price: $2.50
as low as: $2.25
12 or more

Description: Nickel plated steel double end key. Made in India. 4.00mm/1.75mm.
Item #: 19594
Condition: New
Price: $2.50
as low as: $2.25
12 or more

Items 61-120 of 556

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