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556 results for Key

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Items 541-556 of 556
Description: Use to wind clocks, as a key gauge, or to release mainsprings. Set includes a plastic handle and 3 chucks in sizes: #5-6, #7-8, and #10-12.
Item #: 15808
Condition: New
Price: $32.00

Description: 9/32” long oblong mounting holes make these multi-use handles. 2-5/8” & 3-1/2” overall length. Each has a set screw for easy tightening with included hex key. India.
Item #: 33709
Condition: New
Price: $10.00

Description: Use to wind clocks, as a key gauge, or to release mainsprings. Set includes a plastic handle and 6 chucks in sizes: #1-2, #3-4, #5-6,#7-8, #10-12 and #14-16.
Item #: 10066
Condition: New
Price: $50.00

Description: Cast pot metal key hole escutcheon with a brass finish. Measures 3-1/8" tall x 1" wide. ⚠️ WARNING: Contains chemicals that may cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm for more information go to
Item #: 12729
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: Cast pot metal key hole escutcheon with a brass finish. Measures 2-3/8" tall x 7/8" wide. ⚠️ WARNING: Contains chemicals that may cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm for more information go to
Item #: 12727
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: Cast pot metal key hole escutcheon with a brass finish. Measures 3-3/8" tall x 15/16" wide. ⚠️ WARNING: Contains chemicals that may cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm for...More Details »
Item #: 12728
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: Used on Hermle curio cabinets & other cabinetry, doors & drawers. Nickeled brass key face plate. 11/16” diameter cast zinc cylinder for up to 3/8” thick doors or drawers. 1-1/4” from center...More Details »
Item #: 90021
Condition: New
Price: $6.25

Description: Handy 0.01 gram-200 gram high precision mini key jewelry scale. Suitable for weighing jewelry, small parts, medicine, food, etc. HD LED screen. .01 gram accuracy. Black aluminum alloy & plastic...More Details »
Item #: 34319
Condition: New
Price: $9.50

Description: Economical way to obtain basic repair tools by buying them all in this kit. If purchased separately, retail would be $225 or more. Great for students and beginners. Consists of 53 pieces (our Part...More Details »
Item #: 32755
Condition: New
Price: $198.00

Description: Sherline extra-long bed lathe is 17" between centers. Includes a lathe with an adjustable zero hand wheel, face plate, 3/8" drill chuck and key, cutting tool and rocker tool post, dead center,...More Details »
Item #: 18759
Condition: New
Price: $947.50

Description: An 8-day hour and half-hour strike front mount movement. Length of pendulum drop from center of the handshaft to tip is 4-1/2. Hand shaft length is 1-1/2". Comes with winding key, 1-1/2 diameter...More Details »
Item #: 29489
Condition: New
Price: $98.00

Description: Reproduction 8-day time only movement is made in India. It is commonly used in school clocks. Measures 3-3/4" wide x 4-7/8"tall x 3-3/4" deep with a 2" long handshaft. Heave brass plates with...More Details »
Item #: 30468
Condition: New
Price: $72.50

Description: 8-day kitchen clock back mounted reproduction movement is made in India. The pendulum length is 9-1/4" measured from the center of the handshaft to the pendulum tip. Measures 5-1/2" tall x 6"...More Details »
Item #: 14442
Condition: New
Price: $99.50

Description: Reproduction 8-day time only movement is made in India. It is commonly used in long drop regulators or store regulators. Measures 3-3/4" wide x 4-7/8"tall x 3-3/4" deep with a 2" long handshaft....More Details »
Item #: 14492
Condition: New
Price: $75.00

Description: Sherline lathe...great quality and performance. Equipped with a new high torque DC motor and redesigned speed control. This new drive unit is quieter, smoother and provides increased torque. In...More Details »
Item #: 16499
Condition: New
Price: $803.50

Description: Sherline lathe inches...great quality and performance. Equipped with a new high torque DC motor and redesigned speed control. This new drive unit is quieter, smoother and provides increased...More Details »
Item #: 16500
Condition: New
Price: $803.50

Items 541-556 of 556

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