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17 results for clicks

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Items 1-17 of 17
Description: 2 brass clicks with 2 formed springs and 2 rivets For Ingraham, but can be used on other movements.
Item #: 29755
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: Brass clicks, formed springs and rivets. 2 of each in a pack. For Session clocks but can use on other movements.
Item #: 22810
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: 2 brass clicks with 2 formed springs and 2 rivets For Ansonia, but can be used on other movements.
Item #: 20430
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: Brass clicks, formed springs and rivets. 2 of each in a pack. For New Haven clocks but can use on other movements.
Item #: 20433
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: 2 brass clicks with 2 formed springs and 2 rivets For Seth thomas, but can be used on other movements.
Item #: 20431
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: Brass clicks, formed springs and rivets. 2 of each in a pack. For Seth Thomas clocks but can use on other movements.
Item #: 22808
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: 6 of each. Longer than #10581 at 3-1/4" long with clicks that have a different head configuration. India.
Item #: 30495
Condition: New
Price: $6.00

Description: Made in India. 6 pieces each of clicks (3 pcs. left and 3 pcs. right), rivets and springs for American clocks.
Item #: 10581
Condition: New
Price: $6.00

Description: Made in India. 50 piece assortment of brass clicks and rivets.
Item #: 19583
Condition: New
Price: $12.00

Description: 12 pack of assorted American style clicks for Ansonia, Waterbury, Seth Thomas and others.
Item #: 12399
Condition: New
Price: $6.50

Description: This brass main wheel click spring is used to put tension on clicks on American and British tall case movements. 57.6mm.
Item #: 10535
Condition: New
Price: $3.50

Description: Brass clicks, formed springs and rivets. 2 of each in a pack. For Ansonia clocks but can use on other movements.
Item #: 22727
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: Brass clicks, formed springs and rivets. 2 of each in a pack. For Gilbert clocks but can use on other movements.
Item #: 22809
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: 50 piece pack of a steel shoulder rivet that is used on clicks. 1/16" diameter x .164" long with a .105" shoulder.
Item #: 11704
Condition: New
Price: $9.50

Description: 2 pieces. each of 9 different types of clicks. Includes Ansonia (small and medium movements), Gilbert, Ingraham, New Haven, Sessions, S. Thomas (old and new style), and Waterbury.
Item #: 29496
Condition: New
Price: $8.50

Description: Covers English-style bell strike movements, made until the mid-19th century. Chapters on German grandfather clock movements by Urgos, Hermle, Kieninger and others. Addresses pivots, bushings,...More Details »
Item #: 32469
Condition: New
Price: $36.50

Description: Covers English-style bell strike movements, made until the mid-19th century. Chapters on German grandfather clock movements by Urgos, Hermle, Kieninger and others. Addresses pivots, bushings,...More Details »
Item #: 32470
Condition: New
Price: $34.50

Items 1-17 of 17

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