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107 results for seth thomas

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Items 61-107 of 107
Description: Brass single wing trademark key.
Item #: 10187
Condition: New
Price: $4.25
as low as: $4.00
3 or more

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Description: Solid oak reproduction.
Item #: 23345
Condition: New

Description: Brass covered bob. 3-5/8" diameter with a 1/2" rear slot. 1 lb. 4 ounces.
Item #: 23145
Condition: New
Price: $24.50

Description: Brass bezel latch & catch. 1-11/16" long.
Item #: 23110
Condition: New
Price: $4.00

Description: From a small hoard of #2, 77 movement parts that have been in storage since the 1970s. All parts were made for a reproduction movement that was never completed. The brass parts may be dirty. Some...More Details »
Item #: 32040
Condition: New
Price: $12.00

Description: From a small hoard of #2, 77 movement parts that have been in storage since the 1970s. All parts were made for a reproduction movement that was never completed. The brass parts may be dirty. Some...More Details »
Item #: 32030
Condition: New
Price: $3.00

Description: From a small hoard of #2, 77 movement parts that have been in storage since the 1970s. All parts were made for a reproduction movement that was never completed. The brass parts may be dirty....More Details »
Item #: 32039
Condition: New
Price: $3.00

Description: 11-5/8" outside diameter silkscreened steel dial has black Arabic numerals on a white background. There is no second bit. Used on clocks. 10-7/8" time track.
Item #: 13273
Condition: New
Price: $24.50

Description: 11-5/8" outside diameter silkscreened steel dial has black Roman numerals on a white background. There is no second bit. Used on clocks. 10-7/8" time track.
Item #: 13274
Condition: New
Price: $24.50

Description: American made double end key. 3.6mm/1.8mm. NOTE: Trademark key currently out of stock. Same key without a trademark available as Part #10099.
Item #: 10197
Condition: New
Price: $4.75
as low as: $4.50
12 or more

Description: 7-1/2" long. Stamped brass. With 2 mounting standoffs.
Item #: 13583
Condition: New
Price: $24.00

Description: From a small hoard of #2, 77 movement parts that have been in storage since the 1970s. All parts were made for a reproduction movement that was never completed. The brass parts may be dirty. Some...More Details »
Item #: 32027
Condition: New
Price: $1.00

Description: From a small hoard of #2, 77 movement parts that have been in storage since the 1970s. Made for a reproduction movement that was never completed. Part may be dirty. 4-3/4" T x 4-7/8" W x 1-5/16" D....More Details »
Item #: 32026
Condition: New
Price: $12.00

Description: 12-3/8" outside diameter silkscreened steel has black Arabic numerals on a white background. The center of the second bit track is 1-15/16" from the center of the dial. Used on #2 Regulator clocks. 11-1/8" time track.
Item #: 13269
Condition: New
Price: $24.50

Description: 12-3/8" outside diameter silkscreened steel dial has black Roman numerals on a white background. The center of the second bit track is 1-15/16" from the center of the dial. Used on #2 Regulator clocks. 11-1/8" time track.
Item #: 13270
Condition: New
Price: $24.50

Description: 12-3/8" outside diameter silkscreened steel dial has black Roman numerals on a white background. The center of the second bit track is 1-11/16" from the center of the dial. Used on #2 Regulator clocks. 11-1/8" time track.
Item #: 13271
Condition: New
Price: $24.50

Description: 12-3/8" outside diameter silkscreened steel dial has black Arabic numerals on white background. The center of the second bit track is 1-11/16" from the center of the dial. Used on #2 Regulator clocks. 11-1/8" time track.
Item #: 13272
Condition: New
Price: $24.50

Price: $22.25

Description: Third edition includes year 2005 price update for both volumes #1 and #2. 575 pages. Hardbound.
Item #: 25021
Condition: New
Price: $83.00

Description: Brass 5/8" diameter bob on a steel rod 6-1/4 long with brass top hook. Can be shortened.
Item #: 29768
Condition: New
Price: $12.50

Description: From a small hoard of #2, 77 movement parts that have been in storage since the 1970s. All parts were made for a reproduction movement that was never completed. The brass parts may be dirty. 1-1/16" brass pulley with .060" wide groove.
Item #: 32043
Condition: New
Price: $4.00

Description: Complete set of parts ready to assemble. Includes a 4-1/2" brass faced bob, top hook, wear plate, rating assembly and an 24-3/4" long oval wood rod.
Item #: 20002
Condition: New
Price: $63.50

Description: 1-5/8" x 3.6 ozs. Cast lead. Antique gold finish.
Item #: 10219
Condition: New
Price: $5.75

Description: From a small hoard of #2, #77 movement parts that have been in storage since the 1970s. All parts were made for a reproduction movement that was never completed. The brass parts may be dirty. They...More Details »
Item #: 32028
Condition: New
Price: $2.00

Description: Exact replacement for Sonoran chime mainspring. Metric equivalent: 25.4 x 0.56 x 3454mm.
Item #: 23137
Condition: New
Price: $60.00

Description: Cast 2-7/16" diameter bob with 3-7/8" hooked rod with rating nut. Antiqued finish.
Item #: 19600
Condition: New
Price: $20.25

Description: Cast 2-5/8" diameter x 3-3/8" tall bob with 6-1/2" hooked rod with rating nut. Bright shiny brass finish.
Item #: 34179
Condition: New
Price: $21.00

Description: Cast 2-1/2" diameter lion faced bob with 3-7/8" hooked rod with rating nut. Antiqued finish.
Item #: 19601
Condition: New
Price: $20.50

Description: Also fits some Session and Ingraham movements. 3/4" x .016" x 108" loop end mainspring. Metric equivalent is 19.0 x 0.41 x 2743mm.
Item #: 29515
Condition: New
Price: $21.00

Description: 12 pack of assorted American style clicks for Ansonia, Waterbury, Seth Thomas and others.
Item #: 12399
Condition: New
Price: $6.50

Description: Brass shaft with a steel handle. Can be used on Seth Thomas #3 and other clocks.
Item #: 20420
Condition: New
Price: $6.50

Description: Mmachined verge used on Seth Thomas #2 and other clocks. Pallets require final finishing and polish.
Item #: 29949
Condition: New
Price: $14.00

Description: 2 brass clicks with 2 formed springs and 2 rivets For Seth thomas, but can be used on other movements.
Item #: 20431
Condition: New
Price: $5.00

Description: German made. For Kundo electronic clocks. 16.25mm / 17.0mm (length x width) 9.0mm / 0.04mm (hole-to-pin length & spring thickness). Reportedly suitable for use on Seth-Thomas Model 0792-000 Skeleton Clock.
Item #: 12011
Condition: New
Price: $23.00
as low as: $22.50
3 or more

Description: 4-1/2" time track diameter white paper dial with black Arabic numerals. It has marks at the minutes and diamonds at the hours. Used on Adamantine and other Seth Thomas clocks.
Item #: 22086
Condition: New
Price: $1.00

Description: 4-1/2" time track diameter ivory paper dial with black Arabic numerals. It has marks at the minutes and diamonds at the hours. Used on Adamantine and other Seth Thomas clocks.
Item #: 22087
Condition: New
Price: $1.00

Description: 6-3/4" long with a 2-1/4" wide x 2-1/2" tall frame. This brass pendulum comes with glass tubes and polished steel inserts to simulate mercury. Use on Seth Thomas and others.
Item #: 10247
Condition: New
Price: $56.00

Description: Used on Seth Thomas Fashion clocks. 3-5/8" as measured from center of 2.4mm square mounting hole to tip of minute hand. 5.5mm round hole in hour hand. With 2 bushings provided, one of which must be installed. Black.
Item #: 23391
Condition: New
Price: $10.50

Description: Trademark, Numeral, Marker and Second Bit glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others for price breaks. Seth...More Details »
Item #: 19547
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Fits Hermle #132-071, Seth Thomas #A207-000 and other movements. 11 jewels. 34mm x 21mm. Escape wheel has clockwise rotation. The potence measures 4.80mm from the bottom of the plate to the bottom...More Details »
Item #: 32776
Condition: New
Price: $260.00

Description: Gold Seth Thomas cottage clock, spandrel, pendulum opening and throat glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others...More Details »
Item #: 19212
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Exact copy of a Seth Thomas school clock bezel latch. For school clocks & long drop regulators. 1.67” (42.4mm) long x .470” (11.9mm) wide. High end height is .385” (9.78mm) tapering to...More Details »
Item #: 33979
Condition: New
Price: $3.00

Description: Gold Seth Thomas cottage clock, spandrel, pendulum opening and throat glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others...More Details »
Item #: 19216
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Gold Seth Thomas cottage clock, spandrel, pendulum opening and throat glass transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass or dials by a pressure transfer method. Can combine with others...More Details »
Item #: 19214
Condition: New
Price: $7.50
as low as: $7.25
3 or more

Description: Covers the repair of popular electric clocks of the last 100 years: General Electric, Herschede & Revere clocks powered by Telechron motors, Seth Thomas clocks powered by A-300 & Sangamo motors,...More Details »
Item #: 34209
Condition: New
Price: $31.00

Description: Tempered and polished. Can be bent to fit. 30T indicates a 30 tooth escape wheel. Verge only...escape wheel not included. Use with: Ansonia 30 Hr. OG 42T E.N. Welch 30 Hr. OG 42T Jerome 30...More Details »
Item #: 12502
Condition: New
Price: $6.50

Description: Tempered and polished. Can be bent to fit. 30T indicates a 30 tooth escape wheel. Verge only...escape wheel not included. Use with: Ansonia School 34T E.N. Welch 30 Hr. Shelf T&S 34T...More Details »
Item #: 12500
Condition: New
Price: $6.50

Items 61-107 of 107

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